All of us miss each other. (But mostly we miss Jake)

I miss you. And what this forum used to mean to me. I partially grew up here. We've come a long way since then.


  • edited December 2013
    ...who the hell is this?!
  • edited December 2013
    Oh! Hi, John. What does your new name mean?
  • edited December 2013
    It's from a novel by James Michener called Space. He does a lot of historical fictions. This one focused on the time period from about 1944 to the mid 1980's. Dr. Leopold Strabismus was one of the main characters who showed up from time to time. First he was a grifter riding the wave of space excitement: selling subscriptions to a zine about aliens. Then in the 60's he picked up a more lucrative job by setting up a diploma mill.

    He's a real jerk.

    That's what it means! Thank you for asking!

    What's up man? What are you up to nowadays?
  • edited December 2013
    Let's rename this thread: "All of us miss each other." I do anyway.
  • edited December 2013
    A thread where we reminisce about the "old days" and talk about crazy antics we all got up to back in the day? Now we done gown up and got boring like we had ALL of the fun and it's gone now.
  • edited December 2013
    So yeah - does anybody else have zero free energy nowadays? I used to be able to screw off as much as I want back then. The girlfriend is always feeling neglected, and I feel like I just have one deadline after another (school assignments/papers/real-world-stuff/etc). I don't know how people with kids juggle all of this AND taking care of a parasite.
  • edited December 2013
    NoLonger wrote: »
    Let's rename this thread: "All of us miss each other." I do anyway.

    I'm for it.
  • edited December 2013
    Gotta love it when a plan comes together? I hear that no energy thing. School alone is draining for me, if I had to add a job and a kid/significant other to the list...I'm not sure how people do that.
  • edited December 2013
    Yay in Alabama for Christmas. I heard Stephanie just got her PhD. Good for her!
  • edited December 2013
    A PhD does sound like an awesome thing. Though that just makes me miss remixing except not because I've secretly moved on to remixing a different comic, but feel awkward about it since it feels more proper to post them in THAT comic's forum instead of here. Well I guess if anyone here felt like reading a comic called Footloose, I got remixes for it.

    I still hang out here to keep track when people have stuff going on or really have anything to say about stuff.
  • edited December 2013
    I guess I would read a remixed comic called Footloose? Why not?
  • edited December 2013
    That's the sort of attitude that brought me to making the things in the first place.

    Oh. Right, links would probably help I guess.
    Comic is here. Remixes here.
  • edited December 2013
    John. I want to see all your old Cramped Bitmaps. Where be they?!

    Edit: I changed the thread title to accurately represent its original intent. Specifically how awesomely missed I am
  • edited January 2014
    I want to be here more. I don't do much now, though. I work my eight, I have 2.75 hours commute time each day, then my girlfriend wants me to spend time with her for some reason. And then it's sleepy times (otherwise I get all cranky). If I have any time left, I try to play Lord of the Rings Online for an hour.
  • edited January 2014
    If any of those have even sold, I'm sure their information for me is so old that I wouldn't get any of the money.

    So... buy up, I guess? And they'll send a check to the house I lived at 10 years ago?
  • edited January 2014
    That is bizarre..
  • edited January 2014
    Selling strange character tie-ins is the dream of any aspiring webcomic.
  • edited January 2014
    I've been away from a computer in general for the past two weeks. And aside from getting a different computer working for the past 5 hours, this was the first thing I did when I got online. I miss you guys. We should all go to MAGFest or something next year.
  • edited January 2014
    What's MAGFest? Not Googling, because talking to people is better.
  • edited January 2014
    Music and Gaming Fest. A lot of Youtube content creators go there and have a lot of fun. Plus, music and gaming.
  • edited January 2014
    I love my job, but I do spend a lot of my time there. Been trying to come home more since the boyfriend was saying after 8pm is not an appropriate time to get home when I have a 15 minute commute, buuuut it's tough sometimes!

    I have largely lost my presence on the internet. What's even sadder is I feel largely anti-social now... I used to be a goddamn social butterfly, staying out late every weekend (and perhaps a couple weekdays) without worrying about being exhausted the next day. Now most weekends I'd rather stay at home and... enjoy not being at work. It's pretty lame. I'm pretty lame.

    Grownup life is kinda rough, guys.
  • edited January 2014
    Yeah. Being a grownup sucks sometimes. I have to pay more taxes this year than I anticipated. I'm working overtime on salary, so I get no compensation for that. But there are some good things about it, too. I can make my own food, and do what I want in my free time, which as a single guy in a small city, I still have a decent amount of. Regardless, it would be great to meet up/just chit chat with you guys again/for the first time.
  • edited January 2014
    So did everyone, like, end up where they thought they would? I mean, did your lives have any resemblance to what you planned? Did you even plan? Did you expect anything?

    I don't think I had any plans, honestly, besides, "Go to Mars."
  • edited January 2014
    Since high school, I planned on being a programmer. Specifically a video game programmer, but I always knew that was going to be a hard field to get into. I got a job as a programmer in South Dakota. So, I have the job I planned to get, but I'm nowhere close to where I thought I was going to end up.
  • edited January 2014
    I was hoping to be a little better off than I am, but I ended up deciding I should have more schooling.

    I also sort of half-way tried for game programming, but I was never really dedicated to that plan. I ended up getting into more web stuff which...isn't really what I expected, but it's close enough to keep me happy. Except my first go at it sorta crashed and burned. I'll have to try and get back in the saddle in the not too distant future so we'll see.
  • edited January 2014
    I'm still living with my parents and paying down a college bill big enough to buy a Jaguar. But EVENTUALLY.
  • edited January 2014
    You could tell people you own an antimatter Jaguar.
  • edited January 2014
    The upside for me is that my own school debt won't be enough to buy a jaguar.

    Parents are just so often doomed to pay for college debts one way or other I think. If they don't pay it straight up they often end up providing room and board while their kid pays for it.
  • edited January 2014
    Adam is still playing LOTRO? How's our fellowship doing? Still see Lenz sometimes?

    A 2.75hr commute is ridiculous. I'm guessing it's driving since you're in the land of cars?

    I'm being totally lame on the internet and not going much further than Reddit, Facebook, Ravelry, my own email, and my favourite chat room. All these sites I used to have bookmarked and look through all the time, like Orange Belt, and Livejournal, and people's blogs, I don't do any more.

    Oh, and I'm still a stay at home mom. Me and my 2.5 year old Hannah hang out. I'm currently gestating her sibling, brown baby. It isn't really brown. Hannah tells me the baby in her tummy is orange, and daddy's is blue. Our friends had a green baby. Anyway, we'll find out what colour it really is about a month from now.

    I'm not even sure who you all are any more. Do you even know who I am? I remember there's Mario Spaghetti and there's that bearded guy who met Ryan, and then maybe someone else, and Mish who is possibly taller than me, and you're all great. Let's remember to talk sometimes, whoever you are. Oh, and Bruce and his cute daughter that looks like him. She must be a preschooler by now. Geez.
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