New Brew Process

edited February 2012 in Witch's Brew
Something is stirring...


  • edited February 2012
    I know there's a few brews I've participated in sitting out there in the ether...could they just be declared finished and posted, or is the process much more involved than that?
  • edited February 2012
    Theoretically it's not difficult to cut off Brews and publish them, though they do tend to have better endings when the brewer knows they're making the last panel. Practically speaking, it's difficult for me to get Geoff to gather up the collected panels and actually do it. >__<

    I'm hoping to sit down with Geoff soon and see if I can take over Brew-managing duties, maybe get a few of the comics ready to post and possibly even start some new rounds. In the short term, I completed a panel I had left uncreated for too long, and I think that Brew can be finished in the very near future.
  • edited February 2012
    Update: my meager initial steps have not appeared to bear fruit, so I'm bangin' it up a notch.

    From now on, CC your panels to me instead of Geoff.

    If Geoff wants to take the reins again I'll give it to him in a second, but in the interest of finishing the Brews and maybe starting some new ones, I'm hijacking this thing.

    If any of you are participating in an unfinished Witch's Brew (including massbrew), send me all your panels (bwew at me dot com). I promise not to read the panels of any Brews in which I play a part, so make sure the file names clearly indicate Brew and panel numbers.

    I'll send an email to everyone in current Brews with the relevant instructions and modify the brewlist instructions accordingly. LET'S BREW THIS THING
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