Wanna feel old?

edited August 2012 in General
It has occurred to me that since the forumpocalypse of 2006, the following has happened:

Lauren has finished both High School and University

Jake has finished University and dropped out of University and is now a respectable white collar worker

Mario has gone from a school IT tech to an Apple Genius (He is also now old)

Ryan has fucked his way through Eastern Asia

I have finished Secondary School, dropped out of uni, had a kid.

Tanya has also bred

Andrew has wed (But not bred. Chaucer gives him street cred)

Carter, once the young lad of the forum overblowing his teen emotional woes is now at university.

Just to reiterate: Mario is now old.

God used to look like McLovin but now looks like Jesus (appropriately enough)

Jon has broken his spine

John has joined the airforce

The belt multiplayer game of choice at the time was Gunbound, now it is minecraft (Somewhat)

I spent the most formative years of my life with you guys. Were it not for you I'd probably be even crazier than I am now. We're essentially Carter's surrogate parents.

Goddamnit, I need to sit down, my lumbago's acting up and my stories are on.


  • edited February 2012
    I wonder how terrible Gunbound is these days...
  • edited February 2012
    Night Lord wrote: »
    Just to reiterate: Mario is now old.

    *shakes fist*

    *urges you to get off his damn lawn*
  • edited February 2012
    Takeru wrote: »
    I wonder how terrible Gunbound is these days...

    HAX! U HAX!!!
  • edited February 2012
    HAX! U HAX!!!

    So, no different than from before?
  • edited February 2012
    Since I joined (right after the forumpocalypse) I have:

    Moved from San Francisco to Ireland,
    Worked in radio,
    Started university for the second time,
    Noticed that Mario is no longer a spring chicken,
    Started a radio station in my university,
    And left and re-joined this community numerous times.

    Damn I feel old...
  • edited February 2012
    Heh. Since I've joined this forum back in the IS days, I've graduated middle school, started my first serious relationship, graduated high school, broke up with serious relationship, got back together with serious relationship, got engaged, broke up with fiance, found new awesomer serious relationship (we just had our two year anniversary a couple weeks ago), and did lots of drugs and got drunk a lot.

    Also, very little sleep.

    Also, I haven't finished University yet. Plan to graduate in December. But yeah! This community has been surviving for quite a while now! It's a shame it's not quite as active as it has been in the past, but I still check up on it regularly to read all the new posts. It's a good group of people.
  • edited February 2012
    I think many of us are a bit growed up and too busy with life to post all the time. Or y'know you aren't that busy but are just boring like me. I keep meaning to bore the lot of you with techie rambling, but never really get around to just typing anything out in post-form.

    Oh! I haven't made the appropriate comment though. Hmmm. The forumpocalypse was 2006 was it? Wow, that really WAS a crazy year for me. I think I started off lurking the StV forum WAAAY back at my first college when I started really getting into webcomic reading, joined up proper in like 2004 a couple months before graduating that college, worked at my parents awning shop for a bit over a year completely wasting my education. Decided to go back to school. More programming again, but it was also game development stuff which sounded fun. By the time 2006 rolled around I was putting in over 30 hours a week on homework alone, working part time at the awning shop, commuting a good distance to attend a school, actually attending all my classes, maintaining a social life with a new set of college friends (we played a lot of video games) and apparently going through some rough spots with the online social scene? Sleep was not shorted somehow. My only conclusion is that there were more than 24 hours in a day back in '06.

    Anyhow, I graduated that second college (top of my smallish class 'cause I guess I'm smart or something), got a job which kinda went to hell. After a year and a half the company went broke, but the old boss started a new thing and strung me along for another year and a half of not so grand times. Then I became a reclusive bum and grew the appropriate facial hair. I think I ended up in Japan at some point?
  • edited February 2012
    I've graduated high school, and college, and now I have an actual career type job as a programmer.

    I've changed a lot as a person. I used to be really introverted, and I had a major temper problem. Now I actually go out and meet people, and I only seem to get upset when I play Super Smash Brothers these days.

    Fucking Toon Link...
  • edited February 2012
    Since participating in the shared discussion forums of Top Web Comics back in 2002 which started us down the path of this community (FINE I'M OLD ARE YOU HAPPY NOW), I:

    -transitioned from my first job of working at a daycare center at a private school to running IT at the same school
    -dropped out of college
    -started Witch's Brew with Paul and Geoff, which I still consider to be our greatest contribution to the Internet

    Since Top Web Comics' community imploded and the exiles started a new one at Inksandwich in 2003, I:

    -met community members in real life for the first time at ConnectiCon '04 and '05
    -went to Hawaii with my family

    Since Inksandwich erupted into chaos and The Orange Belt came into being in 2005 (and died/was reborn phoenix-style in 2006), I:

    -moved out of my mother's house and went to Davis with Stef
    -started working at a computer repair shop in Sacramento
    -took a few more college classes at Sacramento City College (astrobiology was amazing)
    -broke up with Stef and moved back to the Bay Area
    -started working at Apple (over three years now!)
    -participated in the weddings of both my mother and my sister
    -attended four w00tstocks
    -rode Star Tours before it was closed forever and replaced with some new abomination
    -hosted Webcomics Webconcert live-streaming from my apartment and briefly hooked up with the headliner
    -attended the memorial of my mother's husband

    Goddamn, but time does have a way of having a lot of things happen within it.

    The Orange Belt is over six years old now. Certainly we've seen an extreme decline in activity, and I don't expect that to change any time soon, but I've had a great deal of fun with you guys and you'll always have a cool place to hang out when you need Facebook breaks. :p
  • edited February 2012
    Wait wait wait... wait.
    They got rid of Star Tours!?!!!?!
  • edited February 2012
    I've enjoyed this corner of the internet. You guys are alright. I hope to meet more of you and add you to my list of people who aren't axe murderers.
  • edited March 2012
    So I believe I started coming here in the 8th grade due to NoLonger. And now I am up at College for my first year. Time does indeed fly
  • edited June 2012
    The Nintendo 64 came out 16 years go.

    Just sayin'
  • edited July 2012
    I'm a bit late to the nostalgia party. Ah well. I've graduated High School as well, went to uni with Zlam, failed at Uni, and am now going to be going to school back home for a year. I screwed up, but I'm better for it.

    What else have I done? Hahah, not much compared to the rest of you geezers.
  • edited July 2012
    I joined the OB when Adam introduced it to me while we were in Japan.

    Then I continued using the OB in the US for college.

    Then I moved to Hangzhou for four years for a job and used the OB there.

    And now I'm in Hong Kong, and I'm crappy about signing on regularly but I still love you guys.

    This site has been my home in a way. No matter where I am, it's always here.
  • edited July 2012
    Unless it's down or apocalys'd.
  • edited July 2012
    Just like a real home? I'm not sure what difference you're trying to point out.
  • edited July 2012
    Home: It's always there, except when it isn't.
  • edited July 2012
    Speaking of homes, today I was at the Mercedes-Benz US headquarters for work-related reasons, and there was a big sign in one of the employee rooms that said "THIS IS YOUR HOME AWAY FROM HOME... KEEP IT CLEAN".

    I... wouldn't want work to be my home away from home.
  • edited July 2012
    You could always just apocalypse it, though I suppose that's probably not ideal either.

    Hmm... this requires further thought.
  • edited August 2012
    I did the math last year and I spent more waking hours in my work van than in my home. For some months it was even more hours than I spent in my bed.
  • edited August 2012
    Ryan, you can't LIVE in the orange belt. It is, however, quite comforting to have homes on the internet.

    My homes on the internet .. dear god. I've been on the internet for almost 17 years. Now I have a 1 year old child and I still sit and chat on the internet. I pulled out letters from old internet snail mail penpals earlier today, some 13 years ago. I hope Hannah can have a for reals penpal one day. I suggest Esme.
  • edited August 2012
    Today I was hanging out with a ten year old boy and nine year old girl, who I may or may not be related to (family relations get complicated once you start getting into father's cousin's etc etc). They claimed to be adamant Pokemon fans, and yet... neither of them had even heard of a Pokemon game older than FireRed/LeafGreen.
  • edited August 2012
    Sorry Tanya, Esmé and Hannah can't be penpals. The cost of shipping the walls Esmé enjoys doing her writing on to Canada would be prohibitive.
  • edited August 2012
    You could ship pictures of the walls in question
  • edited August 2012
    What!? Reasonableness? PSH!!!
  • edited August 2012
    Bruce, don't worry, Hannah isn't literate yet. One day she'll learn to read walls.
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